Producers state that there is a lack of infrastructure, such as landing ports and centres, and constant problems with power loss. Adding on the increasing price of diesel, producers are facing many barriers to access a wealth of markets, reports TheTimesofIndia.
These barriers have led to the reduction in the number of exporters from the state.
The remaining producers also feel that they are loosing out on access to emerging markets in Russia, Viet Nam, South Africa and the Middle East.
Seafood Exporters Association of India (AP region) president V Padmanabham told the newspaper that factories have upgraded and increased their seafood processing capacity but without power it had become impossible to provide ice to farmers and fishermen to transport their catch, resulting in severe losses.
Hurdles Prevent Seafood Producers Access to Markets
INDIA - Seafood producers in Andhra Pradesh, India are struggling to gain access to a range of markets such as the US, Japan and the EU due to a lack of infrastructure in the state.
by Lucy Towers