The total eligible public expenditure of the programme amounts to € 274,105,143, with EU assistance through the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) amounting to € 207,832,237.
The programme covers the whole of Greece which is divided into 11 convergence and two non-convergence regions. € 176,83 million of the EFF assistance will be allocated to the convergence regions.
During 2000-06 Greece benefited from EU support under the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) of € 223,611,900.
As a result a large number of projects were supported, more than 1,330 new jobs were created, and over 2,350 jobs were maintained.
The production of aquaculture units was increased by more than 12,500 tons (+18 per cent), the capacity of the processing industry was increased by 16,500 tons (+ 36.67 per cent) and the capacity of the fishing fleet was reduced by 20.000 GT (-18 per cent). Many new companies were created and a number of small ports (fishing shelters) were built.
The new EU programme for 2007-13 aims to build on the success of the previous programme and consolidate the preconditions for a viable fisheries and aquaculture sector that respects nature and meets the demands of consumers and the food industry.
The EU funds will go towards the adaptation of the EU fishing fleet, aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture product, sustainable development of fisheries areas and technical assistance.
GREECE: EU Funds for Greek Fishing Industry
The European Commission has approved the Operational Programme for Greek fisheries for 2007-2013.