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Future of Scotland's Seas


SCOTLAND, UK - A vision document for Scotland's seas has been published by the Scottish Government.

Commenting on 'Making the Most of Scotland's Seas', Fisheries and Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead said: "It's a year to the day since Marine Scotland took on direct responsibility for marine science, planning, policy development, management and compliance measures. While there is always room for improvement and there is much still to be achieved the new organisation is taking shape and is now widely regarded as the Scottish Government's champion for integrated marine environment.

"This is a hugely exciting time for Scotland's seas. Our Marine Bill recently received Royal Assent, and with a quarter of Europe's tidal energy resource and a tenth of the potential wave capacity the opportunity for Scotland in the renewable energy sector is there for all to see. The development of renewable energy is vital in our fight against climate change and Marine Scotland will have a key role to play in co-ordinating much of this activity.

"Our marine vision document is another significant step towards a more integrated, simpler and efficient marine management system. Working with other partner agencies such as SEPA, SNH and Historic Scotland, and with local authorities and others, we will strive to deliver a sustainable future for Scotland's marine and coastal environments and the wider economy. We have reached a turning point and must make good use of the new marine planning powers in the Marine Act to ensure we can make the most of Scotland's seas."

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