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Fishing Opportunities In The Baltic Sea

Sustainability Economics +1 more

EU - At the October Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting, Ministers reached a unanimous political agreement on fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks inthe Baltic Sea for 2011.

The proposal lays down, for 2011, the total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas, representing the maximum quantities of fish from specific stocks (herring, plaice, Atlantic salmon and sprat) that can be caught in the Baltic Sea, as well as the fishing effort limits for Baltic cod stocks.

The proposed measures were established taking into account available scientific advice and, in particular, the report drawn up by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF).

For cod stocks in the Baltic Sea, catch limits and fishing effort limits are established in accordance with the rules laid down in regulation (EC) No 1098/2007 establishing a multi-annual plan for the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea.

The agreement primarily concerned the total allowable catches (TACs) and fishing quotas for Member States in Community waters of the Baltic region, the main changes to which – in terms of reduction, increase or roll-over of TACs as compared with 2010 – are summarised in the table below.

In accordance with the multiannual plan applicable to stocks of Baltic cod (Gadhus morua) adopted on 18 September 20071, the Council endorsed a 15 per cent increase in the TACs in the Eastern Baltic, in view of the marked improvement in the stock status and a six per cent increase in the Western Baltic where the species is still vulnerable.

For herring (Clupea harengus), it was decided to increase the TAC slightly (by one per cent) for the Gulf of Bothnia and to maintain a roll-over in the Gulf of Riga. However, TACs are reduced by 30 per cent for the Western Baltic and 15 per cent for the Eastern Baltic (except the Gulf of Bothnia).

For sprat, a decrease of 24 per cent in the TACs was agreed. However, if appropriate on the basis of new scientific data, an amendment of the TAC concerning this stock could be considered at a later stage.

The European Parliament's participation and the Economic and Social Committee's opinion are not required (Art. 43.3 of the Lisbon Treaty). These fisheries will be open on 1 January 2011.

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