The seminar aims to discuss the latest scientific research on EU fisheries and how it should be applied in practice for the 2013 fishing season and in the long term.
Invited scientists will present the biological status of the fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas, and explain how they assess it.
The latest data on the economic performance of EU fisheries will also be presented. A panel discussion with representatives of the Commission, Regional Advisory Councils, Advisory Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture, catching and processing sectors, and NGOs will be held.
The seminar is open to the press and public but pre-registration is required. It will take place from 9am to 1pm in the Albert Borschette Conference Centre, 36, rue Froissart, Brussels.
Simultaneous translation into FR-DE-EN-ES-NL-PT will be provided. Programme and registration form:
European Commission Hosts State of Fish Stocks Seminar
EU - The European Commission will host a seminar on the state of fish stocks in European waters.
by Lucy Towers