This parliamentary report was adopted with 616 votes in favour, 18 against and 24 abstentions.
Parliament is convinced that both policy-makers and operators in the fisheries sector have a "crucial need for a more practical type of research" and, given the duration of the 7th framework programme, "it is imperative to include the objectives to be achieved".
"We insist on the need urgently to implement a specific science policy geared to fishery resources, accompanied by a significant financial effort", says the rapporteur, Rosa MIGUÉLEZ RAMOS (PES, ES).
The rapporteur recommends that, in the field of scientific marine research, priority be given not only to research to gain knowledge of the state of fish stocks but also to the ecosystemic, commercial, economic and social aspects that determine fisheries management, since all these aspects are of crucial importance.
The report stresses that "the CFP is among the Community policies most dependent on scientific research and the credibility of the measures adopted under this policy rests on high-quality scientific opinions".
It notes a "clear conflict of interest between fishermen and scientists in the short term, whereas their long-term objectives are more compatible", calling on the Commission to "promote better cooperation between fishermen and scientists".
MEPs call on the Commission and the Member States to "demonstrate and better convey to fishermen that it is in their interest to take into account the economic benefit that they can expect in the medium or long term in the assessment of their presumed short-term economic loss".
EU Calls for Quality Fisheries Research
EU - In a report on applied research relating to the Common Fisheries Policy, the European Parliament called on the Commission to review the 7th framework programme when the mid-term evaluation is carried out, scheduled for 2010, paying greater attention to the specific problems of fisheries and aquaculture.