It will be held from August 2-5, 2010 in Manila, Philippines.
ASA-IM has had an intensive aquaculture programme in South East Asia (SEA) since 2002 and feel that they have gained special insights into the issues and challenges that the SEA aquaculture industry is facing.
These insights have led them to the idea of holding a region-specific meeting for issues relating to the SEA aquaculture industry.
The conference will feature the latest developments on aquaculture production, marine fish and shrimp culture, coastal management, feed ingredients and technology, specifically for the Southeast Asia region.
Facilitated by an international group of experts, the ASAIM Southeast Asia Aquaculture Conference is the forum for sharing knowledge and experiences on improved aquaculture technologies and management systems to address food safety concerns, sustainability, and the need for eco-friendly production to maximise feed efficiency and profitability.
Enhancing Aquaculture Through Feeds & Technology
PHILIPPINES - The American Soybean Association International Marketing (ASAIM) South-East Asia Aquaculture Conference 2010 will look at improving aquaculture through feeds and technology.