Ms Chinchilla stressed that this decree goes hand in hand with a commitment to environmental issues and in particular the protection and management of the seas.
"Addressing the seas is not an easy task. If we do not start bringing order to the seas of Costa Rica we will end in tragedy," stressed the President.
The restricted zone
Two polygons are established. The first comprises of the area between the low water mark and 60 nautical miles along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.
The second is an ocean polygon, which runs from the intersection of 7th North parallel with the east boundary of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Costa Rica and from there heading West on 7th North parallel to its intersection with the meridian 89 ° West, and from there along the meridian 89 ° West, southbound, to its intersection with latitude 5 ° north and from there heading East, following the latitude 5 ° N to intersect the eastern boundary of the EEZ.
The Costa Rican Institute of Fishing and Aquaculture will develop and implement an Integrated Management Plan for the management of fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Costa Rica.