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Commissioner To Discuss CFP Reform In London


UK - On 27 October Commissioner Maria Damanaki, in charge of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, will exchange views on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) with the House of Commons' Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee.

Commissioner Damanaki will meet the Members of Parliament from 11h00 and explain the Commission's proposal to reform the Common Fisheries Policy, adopted in July. This 'oral evidence session' is a part of the Committee's inquiry into the Commission's proposal.

The Committee is examining whether the proposed reform can deliver long-term environmental and economic sustainability for Europes fisheries, its marine ecosystem and for coastal communities through implementing science-led ecosystem based management.

The event will be webstreamed live.

On Monday 31 October, the Commissioner will attend the international conference New Challenges and Opportunities facing Marine Fisheries Science at the London Fishmongers Hall. Alongside renowned scientists and experts, the Commissioner will focus her intervention on the importance of scientific advice in fisheries management.

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