Commissioner Damanaki highlighted that numerous measures in favour of small-scale fleets are included under the Common Fisheries Policy reform proposals: for instance, the small scale coastal fleet can benefit from higher aid intensity (75 per cent as opposed to 50 per cent for other beneficiaries) under the future European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and small scale fleets are exempted from several provisions of the control rules (such as logbook obligations) and they are also exempted from the proposed system of Transferable Fishing Concessions.
The current European Fisheries Fund has already supported projects by small-scale fishermen and shellfish gatherers: it supported mariscadoras in the Ra de Vigo and in Costa da Morte FLAG projects to set up a company to develop and market new products from goose barnacles. Support under the future European Maritime and Fisheries Fund will be extended, as it includes, for the first time, those who practice the "pche a pied" in the definition of fishermen, which will make them eligible for aid foreseen.
Last but not least, the proposal for the new Common Market Organisation includes mandatory labeling information including the "date of catch": this can add freshness value for coastal fisheries.
Commissioner Damanaki also emphasised that the small-scale sector will also benefit from the positive socio-economic effects of restoring and maintaining fish stocks above Maximum Sustainable Yield levels.
Commissioner Discusses Small Scale Fisheries Within the CFP Reform
SPAIN - EU Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki met with Ana Miranda, Member of the European Parliament, and representatives of the Galician small-scale and shellfish sectors to discuss small scale fleets in Relation to the Common Fisheries Policy.
by Lucy Towers