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Commissioner DamanakiI Co-signs World Economic Forum Statement on Seafood Traceability

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EU - Commissioner Maria Damanaki co-signed the statement "Seafood Traceability: A Key to Sustainable Livelihoods, Durable Trade and Secure Communities " together with the other Members of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Oceans.


The Statement calls for the urgent development of Global systems for tracing the origins of fish products from bait to plate, to ensure that wild-caught seafood and other fish products are legal, healthy, fully traceable and accurately labelled.

The members of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Oceans also recommend that industry and civil society work together with policy-makers worldwide to develop and implement such a system as soon as possible, as a means to achieve sustainable fisheries, durable livelihoods, profitable trade and secure coastlines.

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