Aquaculture for all

Big Island business aims to revive 'opihi population

HAWAII - A group of scientists and an offshore aquaculture businessman are proposing a two-year project to restore 'opihi populations by creating offshore farms for the small limpets native to Hawaii.

The islands' 'opihi stocks have been depleted by overharvesting, with some saying the mollusk is at risk of extinction. State law restricts the taking of 'opihi, but critics say the rules are weak and aren't stopping stocks from declining.

Dale Sarver, the president of Deep Blue Research LLC, a company specializing in offshore aquaculture, says some aspects of 'opihi reproductive biology make the species a good candidate for hatchery production in large quantities.

Sarver and a group of biologists hope to breed 'opihi on the Kona Coast with the goal of boosting populations to the point where the mollusk may survive without human help.

"It is our responsibility to bring back populations of 'opihi to their natural levels," he said. "'Opihi are important to all Hawaiians and Hawai'i itself. We have the tools and now we need to try."

Sarver, who has experience growing 'opihi varieties like the black foot, yellow foot and koele, is working with scientists from the University of Hawai'i and other institutions.

They are seeking funding to study 'opihi populations throughout the main Hawaiian Islands because this would help scientists employ management and stocking strategies.

They are also seeking endorsements and support from the community.

One measure that would help is an amendment to state House legislation seeking to expand the state's aquaculture industry by encouraging the growing of shellfish such as clams, oysters and 'opihi. The amendment appropriates $168,600 to fund the hatchery project's salaries, rent, materials, supplies and overhead costs.

Source: The Honolulu Advertiser

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