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BC Sablefish: A Boost from Ottawa - a Market in Japan

Economics Food safety & handling Politics +3 more

CANADA - Sablefish farmers in B.C. are few and far between, but like their salmon-raising counterparts, they have battled to be heard in the debate over wild-versus-aquaculture sources.

Now, according to a report by Joanne Lee-Young from the Vancouver Sun, they are getting a quiet boost from Ottawa, which has anointed their product one of the most promising seafood species for Canada to develop.

"The goal is for the DFO [the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans] to start prioritizing their research and development dollars for aquaculture where they will have the highest chance of return," Bruce Morton, president of Sable Fish Canada Ltd., told the news organisation.

Even though there is barely a handful of producers in B.C., the industry has the potential to hit $200 million a year by 2020, says the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance.

Wild sablefish has been fished off the coast of B.C. for more than 40 years. The black-skinned fish, known also as black cod, has long been a staple in many Asian households and restaurants in B.C. and is prized for its oily, Omega-3 filled texture. Recently, chefs at high end, mainstream restaurants have marketed it as a local delicacy. Usually, it is steamed, grilled or smoked. Much of the wild supply, however, is exported to Japan and other Asian markets including Hong Kong and Korea. It has mostly been sold in 100-gram portions, marinated in miso paste, ready for grilling or smoking. buyers.

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