This would allow producers to display "their commitment to quality, food safety and respect of all European standards". They were debating a plethora of European Commission proposals to modernise food labelling amid a future overhaul of the Common Agricultural Policy.
The recommendations came in a report drafted by Italian European Freedom and Democracy Member Giancarlo Scotta', that was debated and voted on in Parliament's Agriculture Committee.
"Place of farming" declaration backed
MEPs also supported a mandatory "place of farming" indication if possible and if it does not included excess costs. This would apply to products where 50 per cent of ingredients are farmed or where marketing indicates what it is, for example orange juice it would say where the oranges were from but not the water or other ingredients that go into it.
The Committee also want the "Traditional Specialties guaranteed" indication to be retained despite the European Commission saying that it does not work.
MEPs are supportive of the new organic logo which was recently chosen by the public after a public competition. However, they want a greater and clearer definition of what actually constitutes "organic".