Aquaculture for all

Worry over Port Neill Fish Farms

AUSTRALIA - Concerned that fish farms attract sharks at Port Neill, the local progress association is likely to make a submission against proposed farms near the towns beaches.

A draft aquaculture zone policy, which establishes one aquaculture zone and one aquaculture exclusion zone for Port Neill, has been released for two months’ of public consultation.

Port Neill Progress Association president Adrian Masters said the policy had not yet been discussed in depth by the association, “so any comments I make may not necessarily reflect the committee’s view”.

“I’m pleased to see an extensive exclusion zone to the north but a little disappointed the proposed aquaculture zone is still very close to our southern beaches,” he said.

“I cannot understand the logic of placing fish farms with their associated attractions of sharks and seabed desecration so close to a tourist town.

“However, I am in favour and support aquaculture, but surely there is ample room between Tumby Bay and Port Neill without zoning them on our doorstep.

“Our association will discuss the zone in depth at our next meeting and no doubt submit a written submission.”

The proposed aquaculture zone covers an area of about 5642 hectares, of which 565ha is set aside for finfish and mollusc aquaculture, including abalone and algae farming.

Source: Port Lincoln Times

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