The Director General of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Ignacio Escobar, presided over the second meeting of the "Working Group of the National Fishing area of the Mediterranean", which was attended by representatives of the Secretary General of Fisheries, Fisheries Directorates General of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Valencia, Murcia and Andalusia and representatives of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography and fishing sector.
At the meeting of the Group, the situation of the major fisheries and the composition of the fleet there was analysed.
The aim is to improve existing fisheries, including through measures, adjusting fishing capacity to the existing stocks, the modification of the technical measures, management plans, implementation and review of closed national rules currently in force.
These plans are to get national fisheries in the Mediterranean to be socially and environmentally sustainable.
During the meeting, other topics were dealt with including, compliance with the Community rules on technical measures in the Mediterranean.
Working group Analyses Fleet, State of Fisheries
SPAIN - The Working Group of the National Mediterranean Caladero, has analysed the state of the fisheries and fleet operating in the area.
by Lucy Towers