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Targeting a Stronger EU-Russia Cooperation in the Arctic

Sustainability Economics Politics +2 more

EU - The promotion of regional cooperation between the EU and Russia in the Arctic region and the Black Sea will top the agenda of EU Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki's visit to Moscow on 21-22 March.

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Commissioner Damanaki is part of a visit of the College of the European Commission to Moscow, in which a series of meetings with Russian government top officials will take place, including a meeting with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

The Commissioner is expected to reaffirm the EU's willingness to enhance its cooperation with Russia in combating regional difficulties and reaching common objectives in the Arctic region while also formulating a common vision for the Black Sea.

During her visit, Ms Damanaki will also have the opportunity to discuss the state of play with regard to the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) that concern also Russia as well as to touch upon the need for a stronger EU – Russia cooperation concerning illegal, unreported and unregistered fishing (IUU).

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