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Stockfish Get Sunshades

Food safety & handling +1 more

NORWAY - It can quickly become hot inside stockfish as they hang to dry on outdoor racks in the baking sun. New trials show that shade nets can reduce the temperature significantly. This can lead to better fish.

The quality of stockfish is determined by two main factors: the raw material and drying conditions on the racks.

Earlier trials show that the quality can be influenced by very high or low temperatures for short periods. Seasons with a high number of sunshine hours can lead to reduced quality.

The scientists have studied several methods to cool down the stockfish. Water, fans and shade nets have all been tested. The shade nets gained the best result and they are also easier to use than, for instance, water.

“The temperature inside the stockfish can reach 35 degrees when the sun is shining on it, but when using shade nets the temperature remained under 18 degrees the whole time,” says Senior Scientist Sjurdur Joensen from Nofima.

Fresh trials will be carried out this spring during which the scientists will study whether the quality of the stockfish is better when it is shaded from the sun during drying.

This project is financed by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Research Fund (FHF) and the Stockfish Forum.

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