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Shrimp Farmers Trained on Early Detection of EMS

Crustaceans Health Biosecurity +5 more

NICARAGUA - Nicaragua has implemented a series of actions and measures aimed at preventing the introduction of Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), which affects farmed shrimp.

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Early Mortality Syndrome, is an infectious disease caused by a bacterial agent (Vibrio parahaemolyticus) which can be found in the stomach of infected animals.

As part of the actions, MAG technicians, the Nicaraguan Fisheries Institute, farmers, cooperatives and shrimp industry personnel, are all being trained on early warning for the disease.

The training aims to strengthen the knowledge and provide technical scientific tools to the public and private sectors, to implement preventive health measures and prevent the disease from entering the country.

Although the disease is not present in the country, "the fundamental task is to avoid getting it," said the minister in agriculture and forestry, Ariel Bucardo.

"This is a disease that is not yet widely investigated, not much is known. In Asia it has killed many shrimp and led to the bankruptcy of shrimp farms," ??he said.

This is why Mr Bucardo said that Nicaragua is on permanent alert and preparing technical staff on the symptoms presented by the disease, its origin and sanitary and quarantine measures to be applied in case that appears in the country.

To enhance knowledge about the disease, there will be a drill at a shrimp farm where technicians put into practice the knowledge acquired in case the disease appeared in the country.

Mr Bucardo, said that in order to protect the country's aquaculture assets, the importation of shrimp from the Asian continent has been prohibited and monitoring and health checks have been strengthened at borders.

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