Aquaculture for all

'Seas Around Us' Gets Seal of Approval

UK - To evaluate the effectiveness of this years Seas Around Us exhibition, the NAFC Marine Centre sent out questionnaires to the leaders of the groups of children who visited. The results have confirmed that both adults and children alike value the marine life showcase.

Aquaculture scientist at the NAFC Marine Centre, Gregg Arthur, has been analysing the feedback. He said: “I’m very grateful to everyone who took the time to complete the evaluation forms. It’s really pleasing to see how highly thought of the exhibition is and I’m delighted to hear that school pupils have gone away brimming with enthusiasm for Shetland’s marine life.

“The questionnaire results confirmed what we already believed – that the ‘Seas Around Us’ project is a very valuable activity.

“Everyone who replied to the questionnaire sees real benefit in having a dedicated exhibition of all things marine in Shetland. Such an exhibition space could display what’s in the seas around us, how the marine environment is utilised and managed, and it could be somewhere to highlight the wide spectrum of marine-related careers.”

The overwhelming response from the visit was that schoolchildren enjoyed the hands on experience. The visitors appreciated the enthusiasm and friendliness of staff and were impressed by their knowledge. Group leaders liked the interactive question and answer nature of the visit and noted the enthusiasm of pupils. They felt that the visit was a useful addition to the school curriculum and raised awareness among pupils of exactly what is living in the seas around the islands.

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