Aquaculture for all

Salmon raising project ends with a splash

US - After caring for 300 salmon eggs, the North Queens Rural High School and Wildcat Community completed the salmon raising project by releasing the fish into the Wildcat River.

“It’s at the Wildcat Reserve out in Molega Mines, It’s like a community education project and it involves some community members and it also involves the North Queens Rural High School,” said band councillor, Todd Labrador.

The project began five or six weeks ago.

They placed an aquarium in the basement of their store and every Sunday people involved with the project would meet there.

“We have just over 300 salmon eggs,” he said, “We’d have presentations by different people in regards to salmon and we’d talk about the salmon.”

Stories of when salmon stocked the river were told at the meetings.

Source: NovaNewsNow
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