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Reduced Fishing Opportunities In Black Sea


EU - The European Commission has proposed to reduce total allowable catches for turbot and sprat in the Black Sea by 25 per cent for the 2011 season.

The scientific advice points to the poor state of the two stocks concerned, turbot and sprat. This has prompted the Commission to suggest cuts in these stocks. For turbot, the situation is not improving and the stock continues to be very low and strongly overfished.

The scientific advice is to keep exploitation at the lowest possible level in order to allow the stock to recover.

Based on this advice the Commission is proposing a 25 per cent reduction in the Total Allowable Catch (TAC), from 96t to 70t. For sprat, scientific evidence leads the Commission to propose a 25 per cent reduction of the TAC, from 12 750t to 9 563t.

The proposal for fishing possibilities will be discussed at the December Fisheries Council. Given the significant international dimension of fisheries in the Black Sea, the Commission is putting strong emphasis on the development of a regional approach to fisheries management in this region. Commissioner Maria Damanaki started a dialogue to this effect with her counterparts in Turkey and Russia during her visits to Istanbul and Moscow earlier this year.

Overview of TAC changes 2010-2011 (figures in tonnes unless specified)
Stock Proposed TAC 2010 Actual TAC 2010 Proposed TAC 2011
Turbot 76 96 (+21 per cent) 70 (- 25 per cent)
Sprat 12,750 12,750 9,563 (- 25 per cent)
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