Vancouver Island University’s Centre for Shellfish Research and the BCSGA together with industry members are working with UVic based engineering firm Dynamic Systems Analysis (DSA) to develop new improved designs, writes Joy Wade for the BC Shellfish Growers Association.
Through computer simulations, Ryan Nicoll of DSA can anticipate problems and identify successes with different raft design components and materials. Once suitable designs have been selected, the CSR will fabricate and test prototypes at the Deep Bay Field Station. A final report including plans drawn up for the industry to use will be prepared.
Ryan has taken the information provided to him by industry based on the current most typical raft and developed a computer generated simulation of how it performs in the natural environment.
Once the simulation is constructed, DSA can then change stresses (waves, currents etc…), loadings and construction materials to see how the raft performs. The next phase of the process is to develop optimum types of design and then test various construction materials to develop the optimum cost benefit.
Raft Innovations for the Shellfish Industry
CANADA - In 2008, DFOs Aquaculture Innovation and Market Access Program (AIMAP) funded a project to develop new raft designs for the BC shellfish industry.