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Public support for Marine Bill

UK - Proposals for better protection and better regulation of the seas around Britain have received broad public support.

There were 8,519 responses to the Marine Bill White Paper ‘A Sea Change’ with 82 per cent supporting the Bill. The Bill would introduce new laws to improve the conservation and management of the UK’s marine environment.

Minister for Marine, Landscape and Rural Affairs, Jonathan Shaw said:

“I am extremely encouraged by the level of support expressed for our proposals from across the entire range of people, organisations and businesses that work or have an interest in our marine environment.

“We are committed to a Marine Bill and a draft bill is expected early next year. No other country has attempted such a comprehensive and groundbreaking approach to the enormously complex issue of marine environment management.

“We need to take a strategic approach across the whole UK so that all our seas are afforded the same protection. It is important that we get it right, so that future generations will continue to benefit from a clean, healthy and productive marine environment.”

Responses to the White Paper will help to shape final government proposals.

- To view the Marine Bill, please click here.
- To view the Summary of Responses, please click here.

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