We at Olympic Seafood AS firmly believe that the Antarctic krill fishing industry must be (and continue to be) strictly supervised to ensure that the Antarctic marine ecosystem remains healthy, explains Even T. Remy, sales and marketing director at Olympic Seafoods.
We are careful about not damaging the krill stocks and collect only a very small proportion of the allowed catches. Everything we do is constantly monitored and tightly controlled by different authorities, including the Friend of the Sea.
Olympic Seafoods underwent the thorough Friend of the Sea assessment aboard their specialised krill collection vessel Juvel in 2011. Results show the company operates in an environmentally responsible manner. "We are very pleased to have passed this rigorous inspection as Friend of the Sea shares our strong beliefs in sustainable seafood".
All items of the Olympic Seafoods RIMFROST KRILL COLLECTION are entitled to carry the Friend of the Sea logo that ensures 100 per cent traceability and conformity to its demanding sustainability standards.
Olympic Seafoods Gains Full Assessment by Friend of the Sea
NORWAY - Olympic Seafoods took an important step forward in their commitment to 100 per cent traceability and sustainable krill collecting practices when they achieved a full audit by the internationally distinguished NGO Friend of the Sea.
by Lucy Towers