This new Protocol will cover a period of three years. The Commission welcomes this renegotiation of the new Protocol that confirms the commitment of the European Union to work with its partners on strengthening sustainable fisheries wherever its fleets operate.
The new protocol provides fishing opportunities for tuna vessels. Out of the EU annual financial contribution 1.325.000, 350.000 has entirely been earmarked for sectoral policy support to help the Republic of Kiribati to promote responsible and sustainable fishing in their waters. It should be noted that it this agreement the shipowner's fee was substantially increased.
The fishing opportunities available under the new protocol include a reference tonnage of 15,000 tons, which corresponds to fishing authorisation for four purse seiners and six long liners. The fishing opportunities have been calculated on the basis of the scientific recommendations.
Bilateral relationships with countries in the Pacific are ensuring the benefit for all parties involved. They are also important for the regional development in the Pacific and for the strengthening the EU position in regional fisheries organizations such as the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).
Fishing opportunities under this Protocol will be of the use for the shipowners coming from Spain, France and Portugal.
This new protocol to the fisheries partnership agreement will replace the current Protocol which will expire on 16 September 2012. In the past few years, the EU has been moving from traditional fisheries agreements to partnership agreements which, in the case of developing countries, focus on providing full support to the partner country to establish sustainable fishing in its waters. Fisheries Partnership Agreements also increase the coherence of such agreements with the other policies of the EU in the field of development and protection of the environment. The EU has currently 15 Fisheries Partnership Agreements with third countries.
New Protocol for EU/Kiribati Fisheries Partnership Agreement
EU and KIRIBATI - The European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, and the Republic of Kiribati initialled a new Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement in Nadi, Fiji on Sunday 3 June.
by Lucy Towers