In recent years, bycatch from purse seining and longlining has been the subject of a considerable amount of research while small-scale tuna fishing and associated bycatch has received relatively little attention.
In addition, although several recent studies link small-scale fisheries to bycatch of threatened species, no work has been carried out to obtain a global overview.
It also aims to identify on a regional basis data gaps, major issues and management concerns associated with these fisheries and their bycatch and points to priority areas for improving our understanding of bycatch in small-scale pelagic fisheries.
To see the documents follow:
Information On Tuna Catches Now Available
GLOBAL - A new FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, Bycatch in small-scale tuna fisheries - a global study, for the first time summarises on a national level catch information of small-scale tuna fisheries and those small-scale fisheries that catch tuna.