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Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (IISG) Funds More 'Sustainable' Research

URBANA Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant has announced funding awards for four research projects up to 2010.

The program supports research, education and outreach that contribute to a sustainable environment in the both states.

The projects receiving this funding will address some long-term concerns facing the Great Lakes, including human health, wetland management and restoration, and sustainable coastal development

"Outcomes from these studies will inform in policy and management decisions related to economic and environmental sustainability in the region," said Brian Miller, IISG director.

The first project is focused on the rising number of beach closings along southern Lake Michigan due to contaminated waters.
Another study will look at the impact of invasive plants on the ability of wetlands to filter nitrogen.

Cutting Edge

IISG is also funding a cutting edge project to create computer-simulated versions of coastal cities in northern Indiana. Jie Shan of Purdue Universities School of Civil Engineering will develop 3-D data collection technology for urban planning.

"This technology will provide users with the capabilities to interact, modify, manipulate and demonstrate different design scenarios," said Shan. "The use of virtual cities will ultimately benefit long term sustainable economic and environmental development in the coastal areas in northern Indiana."
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