According to reports in the Hindu on Sunday the Directorate of Public Health (DPH) has put forward a plan to build permanent fish hatcheries in the Primary Health Centres and health sub-centres.
The hatcheries would rear two non-edible fish varieties, which could be supplied to public places and residential buildings on demand.
“The fish varieties- Gambusia and Guppies- will be effective in checking the mosquito larva. The DPH through it’s nine zonal offices in the State would set up small hatcheries and also protect the existing natural hatcheries,” S. Elango, Additional Director of Public Health, told The Hindu on Sunday.
The DPH expects to build 1,500 fish hatcheries in malaria-endemic districts and with a particular focus on 11 municipalities and urban areas.
Dr. Elango was reviewing the implementation of “Our health is in our Hands” State-wide project in Madurai, Dindigul and Tiruchi districts that was aimed at creating awareness on prevention of both water-borne and mosquito-borne diseases, The Hindu on Sunday said.
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