It also aims to better facilitate safe trade in aquaculture animals and products, and to boost the competitiveness of this important sector for the EU. A central aspect of the proposal is a shift in focus to preventing disease occurrence at each point in the production chain rather than dealing with it only when an outbreak occurs.
Markos Kyprianou, Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, said: Having healthy animals is fundamental to Europes aquaculture sector, which generates millions of euros annually. Disease outbreaks undermine consumers confidence in the safety and wholesomeness of farmed fish and shellfish. They can also devastate the stocks of farms affected by them. Prevention is the best cure, and that is what our legislation aims at.
Aquaculture is an important sector in the EU, with a production value of around
2 580 million. The proposed Directive responds to the need to update current animal health legislation for aquatic animals, taking into account the developments in aquaculture, as well as international experience and scientific knowledge. A major focus of the proposal is on the prevention of disease by applying better controls throughout the production chain. This approach should reduce the economic losses caused by diseases and restrictions on trade. Measures are also laid down to protect disease-free farms from the introduction of pathogens and to prevent exotic diseases from entering the EU.
Flexibility is given so that local or regional approaches can be taken for the prevention and containment of diseases, while Member States will be responsible for ensuring proper implementation and controls. The proposed Directive states that national authorities should also draw up control and eradication programmes and contingency plans for outbreaks of emerging or exotic diseases. In cases where compulsory measures to eradicate exotic diseases (e.g. culling stock) need to be taken, or where Member States implement programmes to eradicate non-exotic diseases, the proposal foresee that compensation should be provided from the European Fisheries Fund.
A key objective of this proposal is to simplify and modernise existing legislation and procedures on aquatic animal health. The proposed Directive brings the rules for placing aquaculture animals and products on the market in line with the standards of the World organisation for animal health (OIE). It aims to both improve intra-Community trade and make it easier for third countries to trade with the EU by providing harmonised, clear cut rules on aquaculture.
In drawing up this proposal, the Commission held thorough stakeholder consultations and carried out a detailed impact assessment of the Directive.
Source: European Commission - 23rd August 2005