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Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome Confirmed In Canada


CANADA - Epizootic ulcerative syndrome has been confirmed in a wild adult catfish in Lake Ontario, Canada.

This event was not associated with a visible die-off of finfish. This finding represents a new geographic location and a new species (brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus).

On 25 September 2010, sick fish were found in Hamilton harbour. The water temperature at the time of collection was 19 degrees Celsius. Seven adult brown bullheads were sent to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for diagnostic work up.

Another sample, 16 morbid adult brown bullheads, was submitted to DFO from the same location on 2 November 2010.

On both submissions fish had deep ulcers on the head, base of fins and belly. Histological findings include severe mycotic ulcerative dermatitis and necrotizing granulomatous sub-acute myositis. Fungal structures were non-septate with occasional branching hyphae. No reproductive fungal structures were seen. Ulcerative lesions were also infected with bacteria.

Surveillance for the disease will continue.

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