Aquaculture for all

Enhancing Inland Fisheries of Lanao Sur Seen

PHILIPPINES - Fish pens, cages, hatcheries and other inland fisheries in Lanao del Sur will be eventually improved by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries-ARMM.

In a press conference held immediately after the launching of the Food Caravan under the auspices of the DAF-ARMM, former Executive Director of BFAR-ARMM and newly appointed DAF-ARMM Regional Secretary Datu Kaise T. Usman, told reporters that there are already plans for the improvement of inland fisheries in Lanao del Sur which will be implemented soon.

Some of these plans for implementation as far as fishery programs in the said province is concerned, are the delivery of quality agri-fishery services, especially in Marantao Fish Farm of Lanao del Sur, dialogue with fisherfolk of the area on how to improve their fish farming skills so that they will be able to have bigger harvest and subsequently reaping better sales for good income for their families.

Rehabilitation of the existing fish pond and hatchery within the Mindanao State University System campus is also one of the top priorities of BFAR-ARMM.

The move is in line with the program of BFAR-National to improve the quality of fish production, especially tilapia and bongkaong on carp fish which was already given a reasonable fund in the past.

To improve further the production of carp fish in the area, a hatchery was made available. In fact Usman added, a group of technical staff of BFAR-ARMM was sent to Baguio city to observe the production of inland fishes, like tilapia and carp fish of the said area as it has an almost similar climate like that of Lanao del Sur. Baguio City and Lanao del Sur shares common climate.

The plan of increasing inland fish production in the area can only be realized if DAF-ARMM could supply bigger volume of fingerlings in the area,, Usman emphasized.

He assures fisherfolkk around Lake Lanao and inland fish farmers of Marawi City and Lanao del Sur that under his leadership, the Fisheries component of his Department will do everything to improve the quality of inland fishing of the area through all available resources of DAF-ARMM.

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