The hatchery for the purpose was established recently on the MRC premises at a cost of Rs.45 lakh allocated to the FCRI by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
The unit was equipped with a seawater pumping and filtration system, two High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) lined sumps, ultra violet filters, cartridge filters, indoor and outdoor algal culture facilities, raceways to maintain brood stock, a spawning module, 20 larval rearing tanks of two tones capacity each and a laboratory to test water quality.
V.K. Venkataramani, Dean, FCRI, told The Hindu that the institute planned to produce shrimp seeds at the rate of two million seeds a year during the first year.
The harvest would be enhanced to 5 million seeds per annum from the subsequent year onwards.
Commercial production of seeds of tiger shrimps begins
INDIA - The Fisheries College and Research Institute has commenced commercial production of seeds of tiger shrimps on its Maritech Research Centre campus situated at Tharuvaikulam near here.