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Chilean Researcher Joins BAP Programme

Crustaceans Post-harvest Education & academia

GENERAL - Dr Alejandro Buschmann, head of i-mar Research Centre and former director of research and the graduate school at the Universidad de Los Lagos in Puerto Montt, Chile, has been appointed to the Standards Oversight Committee (SOC) that oversees the development of the Global Aquaculture Alliance Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification programme.

Dr Alejandro Buschmann joins BAP standards oversight committee

Dr Buschmann replaces Dr Charles Santerre, professor of foods and nutrition at Purdue University. Dr Santerre served on the SOC since its inception.

"GAA is most grateful for Dr Santerre's contributions to the Best Aquaculture Practices programme," GAA Executive Director Wally Stevens said, "and now we welcome Dr Buschmann to BAP."

"Alejandro Buschmann brings combined scientific knowledge and skills with experience in sustainable aquaculture development," Mr Stevens said. "His abilities will help the committee as it examines BAP standards for new species and updates the standards for shrimp and fish facilities."

As a researcher at the i-mar Research and Development Center of Coastal Resources and Environments, Buschmann has written extensively on coastal ecology, as well as sustainable coastal and aquaculture management strategies. Much of this work focused on seaweed cultivation, while his more recent efforts have dealt with integrated multi-trophic aquaculture and kelp ecology.

Dr Buschmann has served on scientific panels of the Chilean Science Agency. As a scientific consultant, he has promoted sustainable environmental technologies for the salmon industry in Chile and the use of seaweeds for biofuel production. Dr Buschmann was recognised by the International Foundation for Science with the Silver Jubillee Award for his scientific achievements.

"I hope to introduce a conceptual framework toward the development of sustainable aquaculture practices based on the Chilean experience," Dr Buschmann said.

Dr Buschmann holds a degree in marine biology from the Universidad de Concepción and received his doctorate degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

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