Foodsize catfish feed delivered totaled 103,753 tons, down 18 percent from the corresponding month a year ago. Feed delivered for fingerlings and broodfish totaled 1,903 tons, down 63 percent from the corresponding month a year ago.
September feed delivered to Mississippi catfish growers for foodsize fish totaled 55,725 tons, down 12 percent from last year. Mississippi accounted for 54 percent of the total foodsize catfish feed delivered to U.S. farmers.
The other major States with catfish feed deliveries for foodsize fish in September and their comparison to the previous year were Alabama with 22,727 tons, down 24 percent; Arkansas with 15,222 tons, down 29 percent; and Louisiana with 2,867 tons, down 27 percent from last year.
U. S. Quantity of Foodsize Catfish Feed Delivered,
Monthly Totals

U.S. Quantity of Foodsize Catfish Feed Delivered,
Cumulative Totals