According to the news agency Vanguard, a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization shows that there has been a move toward clustering exist-ing cages as well as toward the development and use of more intensive cage farming systems.
In particular, the need for suitable sites has resulted in cage aquaculture accessing and expanding into new untapped open-water culture areas such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers and coastal brackish and marine offshore waters, reports Vanguard.
Lagos State, recognizing the tremendous importance of cage aquaculture today and its key role for the future growth of the aquaculture sector, recently embarked on a project to utilize the earthen ponds in rural communities that have close proximity to lagoons and other water bodies under its pet project called Marine Aqua-culture Development Project, which forms part of the Marine Agriculture Development Pro-gramme of the present government.
Marine agriculture entails the utilization of marine resources for the production of food and other agro-allied products such as the culti-vation of fishes, weeds and other useful aquatic products.
Caged Aquaculture Showcased in Lagos
NIGERIA - Cage aquaculture has grown rapidly during the past decades and is presently undergoing swift changes in response to pressures from globalization and an escalating worldwide global demand for aquatic products.