Luca Guardabassi
Lars B. Jensen
Hilde Kruse
223 pages /12 chapters
Published: 2008
ISBN: 9781405150798
Price: £59.99 (Exc. P&P)
The editors are primarily concerned about spreading the principles of prudent and rational use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine and as such, have successfully brought together 38 authors from different backgrounds, both academic and practical, representing 14 countries and 5 continents. Antimicrobial use in animals and antimicrobial resistance, which may cause a problem in animals and importantly in man, is a global issue and the editors have endeavoured to bring together a guide for both food-producing animals, including aquaculture, and companion animals.
The book comprises 12 chapters, the first six cover the basic principles of prudent and rational antimicrobial use, human health risks, antimicrobial resistance risk assessment, geographical differences in availability and regulation, and strategies, using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles, to minimise the impact of resistance selection. The remaining six chapters cover individual species such as swine, poultry, cattle, horses, dogs and cats and aquaculture.
The Guide is aimed at veterinarians, lecturers and students but the subject and depth of information should have interest for a much wider audience involved in antimicrobial resistance issues.
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