Aquaculture for all

BC report supports activists and attacks coastal communities

CANADA - The Final Report of British Columbia's Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture, has squandered an excellent opportunity to strengthen BC's coastal communities and support a growing sustainable aquaculture sector.

The First Dollar Alliance, a grassroots organisation that represents BC’s resource workers and their families, says the report has ignored science and the vital role fish farming has in BC's employment and provincial economy.

"NDP committee members have used this opportunity to attack rather than help key coastal industry Instead, they’ve made recommendations such as moving to closed containment, a technology that is economically preposterous and environmentally unsound,” said Barb Walker, a First Dollar Director.

He said that the report recommendations will prevent the growth of sustainable aquaculture in BC, despite an enormous amount of scientific data showing aquaculture does no harm to the wild fishery.

Fellow FD Director Leanne Brunt said the report pushes an activist political agenda that will to destroy BC’s sustainable aquaculture sector and thousands of jobs.

“I see this report as a direct attack on the livelihoods of thousands of resource workers and their families. We strongly urge the government to reject it outright,” she said.

“Even before this committee began its work, NDP members made prejudicial statements against BC’s sustainable aquaculture industry. The recommendations in this report clearly demonstrate how unwilling the NDP members of this committee are to listening to any voice that did not support their own biased political agenda,” she added.
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