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Artisanal Fishermen Feel Deceived By EC


EU - Today, a delegation of artisanal Mediterranean fishermen will be participating in a public hearing at the European Parliament Fisheries Committee about the ongoing Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform.

It is the first time since its establishment in February 2011 that the ‘Mediterranean Platform of Artisanal Fishers’ has an opportunity to raise its concerns at the highest level. They believe that the European Commission’s CFP reform proposal has insufficient consideration for the interests of artisanal fishermen.

The president of the platform, Mr Ramon Tarridas, will call on MEPs to amend the current proposal and ensure all fisheries in European waters are managed through long term management plans which are co-managed. By co-management they mean the joint participation of fishers, scientists, administrations and other stakeholders like non governmental organisations for the development and implementation of the plans.

The ‘Mediterranean Platform of Artisanal Fishers’ will ask for the creation of co-management committees for all European fisheries. It rejects the EU Commission proposal to manage fisheries by means of transferable fishing concessions as this would result in the concentration of fishing rights in the hands of wealthier operators and lead to the destruction of communities.

The artisinal fishermen will ask for their right to be recognised as main players in the management of the environment and to be able to actively participate in the development of resource management policies.

"The Mediterranean Platform of Artisanal Fishers has taken off and it will not stop. Our work will not be limited to the current CFP reform because, whatever happens, we will keep working to ensure our fishing communities remain as a social and cultural heritage of inestimable value which deserves to be preserved and defended," Mr Tarridas will tell the Commission later today.

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