Aquaculture for all

Aquaculture Touch Tank On Road Again

NOVA SCOTIA - For the second consecutive summer, people around the province will get a hands-on opportunity to discover more about aquaculture.

The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia are exhibiting a touch tank and display at various community events in Nova Scotia.

In 2007, the touch tank visited 11 events and attracted more than 8,000 visitors across the province.

This summer, three students have been hired to run the aquaculture outreach program and tour the province with the touch tank.

"Last year was a very successful first year for the aquaculture outreach program," said Ron Chisholm, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

"The touch tank is a big hit with people of all ages. It allows people to be introduced to various aquatic species in a unique way."

The program is a great way for people to learn more about the aquaculture industry and what species are grown in the province.

The interactive, educational display will allow children to see local sea species, including those used in aquaculture. Visitors will learn more about Nova Scotia's aquaculture industry and may try some local aquaculture products.

"Aquaculture is a growing business in Nova Scotia, providing hundreds of year-round jobs in rural communities," said Mr. Chisholm.

"We have great potential to expand the aquaculture sector, we have direct shipping routes to major U.S. and European markets and we have a skilled workforce. All these factors are very important to a prosperous and sustainable industry."

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