Aquaculture for all

A New Generation Of Fisheries Agreements


EU - Today, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maria Damanaki is meeting Ministers from several third countries with which the EU currently has fisheries partnership agreements. This is the first time such a meeting is convened, and was deemed necessary by the Commissioner to discuss the future of such agreements in view of the upcoming reform of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy.

This one-day event, to be held in the Commission's premises (Charlemagne Building) in Brussels, will provide an opportunity to exchange views on several issues, such as the scientific dimension to sustainable fishing in third countries waters, the governance framework and the effectiveness of financial support in developing the fishing sectors of third countries.

The Commission will listen to its partners' ideas and expectations on the future of the partnership. The general principles and orientations emerging from the conference will feed into the reform proposals expected later this year. Aside from a strong Ministerial presence from EU Member States, 17 Ministers will attend from Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and Greenland.

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