Aquaculture for all

$416,000 For Florida Aquaculture


US - The US House of Representatives has voted to award $416,000 in federal funds to the University of Floridas Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Programme in Cedar Key.

Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05) said: “Florida’s shellfish industry produces thousands of jobs for our agriculture and fishing industry. In a time when unemployment numbers are rising at a rapid pace, it’s important that we provide the necessary resources and funding to keep the industry afloat and Floridians employed.

“These funds will help support the University of Florida Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Programme in their endeavour to produce a more cost effective ‘Florida friendly clam’. These advancements allow Florida Aquaculture to remain competitive in the global market and a significant contributor to the local economy.”

This funding was included in H.R. 2997; the Conference Report for the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.

The University of Florida/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Programme facilitates the sustainable use and future development of shellfish aquaculture. The programme identifies priority areas such as: alternative species development, product quality, genetic improvement and brood stock domestication. This programme is an example of multi-disciplinary research and demonstration projects involving partnerships with university research, extension and industry.

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