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WI Fights For Improved Fish Labelling


UK - A call from the Womens Institute (WI) for clearer country of origin food labelling in the UK is being fully supported by the National Farmers' Union (NFU).

With an EU vote just days away, the WI campaign urges the government to introduce a compulsory ‘country of origin stamp’ on meat, fish and poultry.

Yesterday, its members backed the resolution ‘this meeting urges HM government to introduce clear and mandatory country of origin labelling on all meat, poultry and fish products sold in this country’ with an overwhelming 99 per cent majority.

A vote on an EU report into possible ‘food information’ legislation is scheduled to take place on 15 June 2010 in Strasbourg. More information can be found here.

NFU Vice President Gwyn Jones, who addressed the WI AGM this week, said, “The WI resolution gives a timely signal to all UK MEPs to fully support the principle when they gather in Strasbourg in a fortnight to vote on this issue. Labelling needs to provide accurate, clear and relevant information so consumers can make informed choices. It is clear that the current guidelines aren’t working.

“However, there is still a lot of work to be done before MEPs next vote, as I’m sure the labelling laws will be challenged strongly by others in the EU. I would urge consumers to raise this issue with their MPs and MEPs and we will continue to lobby so that shoppers know where in the world their food and drink comes from.”

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