The sixth symposia and trade fair is organised to share farmers experiences in overcoming constraints in fish farming practice in the transition from subsistence to viable market oriented commercial enterprises.
The symposium also allows farmers to:
- To share the experiences of industry and other service providers of investing in and meeting the needs of a new emerging sector.
- To exchange information on status and local innovations to overcome challenges faced by farmers and those involved in the aquaculture value-chain.
- To promote collaboration among stakeholders in the aquaculture sector to enhance sustainable development.
The symposium will be held in Uma Hall, Kampala.
Registration fees are Ug shs.10, 000 per day for Ugandans and US $10 per day for visitors.
Meals including breaks and lunch will be provided at the venue.
Hotel fees range between US$40-100
Field tour - Ug.shs 20,000
Trade Exhibition stand rates - US $ 100
For further details please contact: Ben or Lovin
E-mail: Tel: +256 312 265896