As a result, the National Control Centre at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), Weymouth has advised Defra that certain live fish movements to, from and within the affected area may now be considered upon application to the Fish Health Inspectorate. Currently only dead fish may be moved from farms within the affected area, and fish must be gutted before being moved out of the area.
The Designated Area around the Ouse catchment area is under constant review and, pending the findings of the on-going epidemiological investigation, it may be possible to reduce and redefine the area under restriction.
A second round of testing is currently in progress and results are expected by mid July.
The live fish movement restriction does not apply to the movement of ornamental fish to or from pet shops and aquaria.
VHS has no implications for human health.
Further Information
For more information, view the Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Fact Sheet.
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