David Mack, managing director of exhibition organiser Ascomber Ltd, says he has been delighted by the number of visitors and the positive feedback from exhibitors.
"The level of attendance from visitors has been exceptionally good and the exhibition stands have been busy," he said.
"It has been great to receive such a positive reaction from the industry and all the signs now point to this exhibition becoming a regular event in the fish farming calendar."
Exhibitor Baxter Binnie of Glasgow-based fish farm suppliers Terecos Ltd, said: "It's great to see an aquaculture show back in Aviemore. The location is convenient for the Scottish fish farming industry and our stand has been busy. We have been very pleased with the level of interest."
Aquaculture UK 2008 was officially opened by Scottish Government Minister for the Environment, Michael Russell MSP. Almost 70 companies from over 10 countries are taking part.
Meanwhile, on the first day of the seminar programme, Jonathan Shepherd, director general of the International Fishmeal & Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO), told delegates that responsible sourcing and sustainability were key priorities for the future.
Fishmeal and oil are vital components of fish feed to ensure a high performance diet that delivers health promoting qualities to farmed fish. The challenge for aquaculture is to show that it is sustainable over the long term, Dr Shepherd said.
"The IFFO is currently developing an independently audited Code of Responsible Production Practice for the industry, which we plan to launch later this year."
He added: "All feed ingredients whether fishmeal or fish oil or vegetable protein or oil must come from sustainable sources. It is crucial that the industry demonstrates to all parts of the food supply chain its commitment to responsible production and sustainability."
Visitors can find more information on Aquaculture UK 2008 at www.aquacultureUK2008.co.uk