Executive Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Professor Mehdi Doroudi says the process is continuing and no final decision on the future management of Snapper has been made.
The Snapper working group process has now been finalised and PIRSA will be conducting further consultation with the peak fishing bodies representing commercial, recreational and charter fishers, as well as regional organisations such as local councils, over the coming weeks, Professor Doroudi said.
The working group, with expertise from fishery scientists, fishery management and the commercial, recreational and charter sectors of the fishery, has looked at a draft package of arrangements which is aimed at controlling the level of commercial catch and minimising disturbance to the spawning aggregations, to maximise the opportunity for spawning and recruitment success.
The objective is to establish management arrangements that effectively control the level of commercial impact on Snapper stocks, optimise Snapper spawning and recruitment, and support a sustainable Snapper fishery.
Snapper aggregate annually to spawn in South Australian waters between November and January, with the actual spawning period varying regionally.
It is when the fish are aggregated that they are most vulnerable to capture. The spawning aggregations are also subject to disturbance by fishing activity, which could impact on their spawning behaviour and ultimately influence their reproductive success.
We have to ensure that future levels of fishing activity will be sustainable.
Further consultation will occur before any decision is made on what actions should be taken for the future management of Snapper.
Snapper Management Update: No Management Decision Made
AUSTRALIA - Primary Industries and Regions SA has been working with its Snapper working group over the past 12 months following the Snapper Options Paper which was released for public comment from 22 November 2011 to 31 January 2012.
by Lucy Towers