Aquaculture for all

Scots Should Lead Way Says Euro MP


SCOTLAND, UK - A new Aquaculture Advisory Council proposed by the European Commission under its Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reforms should be led by Scotland, according to a Euro MP.

Struan Stevenson, Scottish Conservative MEP for Scotland and Senior Vice President of the European Parliaments Fisheries Committee said Scotland must prepare a blueprint for the new body or risk losing out to other leading nations.

Mr Stevenson commented: The CFP reform package published by the Commission calls for the creation of an Advisory Council for Aquaculture."

"Scotland, Greece, Ireland and Italy are among the leading nations in Europe where fish farming is a key interest. This new body, funded by Brussels, will involve fish farmers, scientists and other stakeholders from across the EU. Scotland must take the lead by preparing a blueprint for this new body, basing its headquarters in Scotland."

We have one of the biggest fish farming sectors in Europe, employing over 6000 people and exporting quality products, particularly salmon and trout, worldwide. We also boast some leading academics and global experts in fish farming, such as the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling."

There will be a race to set up this new Aquaculture Advisory Council by many EU Member States who have a keen interest in the sector. Scotland must take the lead and win that race. It will be of key importance to the future of the industry and will give Scottish fish farmers a global perspective and enhanced prestige.

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