Chaired by Mr Alejandro Flores Nava, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Officer, the participating Regional Fishery Bodies included: CCPS, RAA, COPESCAALC, CIAT/IATTC, OSPESCA, CRFM, OLDEPESCA, INFOPESCA and COPACO/WECAFC.
At this first meeting information on various programmes of work was shared and opportunities for increasing collaboration were discussed.
It was agreed that aquaculture and fisheries statistical data collection and analysis and information exchange and dissemination would be a first area of attention during 2012-2013. A first collaborative effort should take place in June 2013 in Chile, initiated by the Aquaculture Network for the Americas (RAA).
Regional Fisheries Bodies of Latin America and the Caribbean Met in Italy
LATIN AMERICA and CARIBBEAN - The first meeting of Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Organisations of Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Rome, Italy during the weeklong 30th session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries.
by Lucy Towers