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Ocean of Tomorrow 2012 Call for Proposals


US - The focus of the Ocean of Tomorrow 2012 Call for Proposals is on supporting the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, addressing the research gaps regarding the definition and monitoring of good environmental status (GES) and to give special attention to mitigation measures and to SME participation.

Ten topics are included in the call which has a budget of €42 million and has various deadlines between 20 October and 1 December 2011. The official call will be launched on 20th July 2011.

Ocean of Tomorrow 2012 Call topics include:

Theme 2: Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Biotechnology

Five topics, €25 million, Deadline: 15th November 2011.

  1. Integrating the role of marine benthic ecosystems in fisheries management (€6m – 15 per cent SME);
  2. Providing molecular tools for assessing and monitoring the potential genetic impact of aquaculture on native populations (€3m – 15 per cent SME);
  3. Contaminants in seafood and their impact on public health (€4m - 10 per cent SME);
  4. Innovative biotechnologies for tackling oil spill disasters (€9m – 25 per cent SME);
  5. Biotechnological solutions for the degradation of synthetic polymeric materials (€3m - 25 per cent SME).
Theme 5: Energy

One project, €1million, Deadline – To Be Confirmed.

  1. Study of the environmental impacts of noise, vibrations and electromagnetic emissions from marine renewables.
Theme 6: Environment including Climate Change

Three topics, €13 million, Deadline 20th October 2011.

  1. Innovative tools for understanding and integrated assessment of Good Environmental Status (GES) of Marine Waters (€9m, - 15 per cent SME);
  2. Management and potential impacts of litter in the marine and coastal environment (€3m, - 15 per cent SME);
  3. Improve scientific knowledge base to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (€1m);
Theme 7: Transport

One topic, €3 million, Deadline 1st December 2011.

  1. Assessment and mitigation of noise impacts of maritime transport on the marine environment (€3m).
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